I'm a musician. Check out my band Botsing. I also make music for games, animations, short films, vlogs, etc and I write scripts, record sound effects, animate and voice act.

Bart van Zon @SourJovis

Age 40, Male


Joined on 8/14/12

Exp Points:
49,172 / 100,000
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10.02 votes
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SourJovis's News

Posted by SourJovis - June 18th, 2023

The second album by Botsing "Super Double Botsing" will be released in full the 14th of July 2023 on Spotify.

Now I know this isn't any news to you, because we've already uploaded the entire album here on Newgrounds, so you could've listened to all of the songs for quite some time now. Thank you all for the kind support. If you have a Spotify account and you like our songs, please support us over there too.



Posted by SourJovis - May 1st, 2023


My new Oberheim OB-X8 synthesizer arrived today. Looks more like a museum now than a music studio. How many synthesizers can one stack on top of each other?

Should do a studio tour: Well from top to bottom there's a Moog Subsequent 37, and Arturia PolyBrute, an Oberheim OB-X8 and a Sequential Prophet 5 Desktop in the bottom right corner. I record all of these on a 2 channel Motu M2. There's also a Yamaha MODX6 in the closet, an Arturia DrumBrute Impact drumcomputer and a Rhode NT1 microphone on my desk and a whole bunch of software on my computer. I do most of the production inside of the box. I mix the songs using 2 Adam Audio T7V studio monitors and a S10V subwoofer. That's it.

What do you mean "What kind of music do you make?"? These are just for show. To make it look like I know what I'm doing. No seriously, I'll be using these as much as I can.

For those of you who have missed it; the second Botsing album Super Double Botsing is out. Some of these synths are on there. The Polybrute is on every single track. There's also a Prophet 5, Subsequent 37 and MODX6 on some tracks. Lots of vocals, guitars, a bass, many samples and software instruments (virtual analogue and plain digital goodness). All tracks on the album have been front-paged so it's quality I suppose.

Working on a new album now that is more electronic and has more synthesizers (obviously). Keep a look out.



Posted by SourJovis - October 30th, 2022

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New studio

Made some changes to my home studio yesterday. Bought a new much more more powerful pc. Also I've gotten some studio monitors (speakers). Twice an Adam Audio T7V and one S10V (off screen) and a computer display. That way I can move my studio away from the living room.

So I used to mix my songs on a computer in the living room on a hifi system and tv I also use for films and gaming. Everyone kept telling me that was a bad idea, because hifi systems colour the sound too much and I kept defending myself by saying these were neutral speakers, a neutral amplifier, all the settings were straight with no enhancements, the placing is symmetrical, the room has little reverb because of the large curtains and everything is calibrated to compensate for room acoustics or differences between the speakers. Also music is relative. If it sounds the same on a hifi system as good music on a hifi system than it must be good. I'd rather have it sound good on a hifi system and bad on studio monitors than the other way around, because that way only "professionals" will know your music sucks and ordinary people will think it's good, which is most people. If most people will think it's good, maybe it just is. Anyway the living room was getting too cluttered with synthesizers and stuff, so I had to move it to create some space. Anyway, I must say these studio monitors have an interesting sound. It's much more direct and I feel I can hear more details or something. Maybe I was wrong all this time and my mixes will improve. Or maybe I was right and my music will suck. Decide for yourself.

My first song mixed with this setup is a Botsing song (my band ) called Tracker and is a synth heavy song about internet bots for Robot Day 2022.



Posted by SourJovis - October 16th, 2021


Trying to take my songs to the next level. Improved skills. New guitar. New synthesizer. New recording equipment. More software. Better skills... I hope.

Finishing my first EP "Prologue" which will consist entirely of opening songs. It will be the first of a total of 6 EP's that together form an entire album. I've been working on this for the past 10 years. Most songs on the album you've already heard, but not yet in their final form. There will be plenty new songs as well that will complete the album.

Working on the second Botsing album. It will be more consistent. Less electronic, more rock. Less tame, rawer, but also more polished. More guitars and also more synthesizers. Less digital, more analogue. Less computer-ish, more live. Catchier.

Starting a secret project. Very different from what I usually do, but it's all about music. Should be cool as well.



Posted by SourJovis - February 13th, 2021

Botsing's debut album is out!

It's a daring clash between rock and electronic music. Lo-fi music with lots of vocals, electric guitars, synthesizers, drum computers, chip-tune, vocoders, and even some chamber strings.

It's composed and performed by a friend of mine and mixed and mastered by me. I've also played a few instruments on this album.

You can listen to the entire album here on NewGrounds:

Which has been featured on @littlbox his podcast littlMix 02_06_21. Check it out. He has a great taste in music.

Thank you for the NewGrounds frontpage, and for all of the kind words by the listeners.

Thanks for again a frontpage!

Also featured on @littlbox his podcast: littlMix 04_01_21 which has even better music than the previous time.

Thanks for the frontpage!

I know you Newgrounds people like it loud, so I've mastered these songs extra loud. If you prefer a little more dynamics in your music you can listen to the full album on Spotify

You can follow the bandĀ here on Instagram.


Posted by SourJovis - January 9th, 2021


Botsings' Debut album is finished and will be on Spotify soon in January or February.

It's a daring clash between rock and electronic music. Lo-fi music with lots of vocals, electric guitars, synthesizers, drum computers, chip-tune, vocoders, and even some chamber strings.

It's composed and performed by a friend of mine and mixed and mastered by me. I've also played a few instruments on this album.

You can follow the progress of the albumĀ here.

Listen to fragments of the album here:


Posted by SourJovis - December 20th, 2020


In January 2021 we will release an album on Spotify titled "Botsing".

It's written and performed by a friend of mine and mixed and mastered by me.

It's a rock album that features a daring clash between common rock elements like vocals, guitars, bass and acoustic drums on one hand and electronic vocoders, drum computers, synthesizers and chiptune on the other. Beautiful harmonies and catchy melodies vs screaming solos and noisy glitches.

You can follow the project here on Instagram.



Posted by SourJovis - December 28th, 2019

Only 3 days until the end of 2019. I'd like to use this moment to look back on what this year mean t for me on Newgrounds.

Productively it's been a great year. In terms of number of songs uploaded the best since 2015. Quality wise perhaps my best year ever. 10 songs released. 6 brand new ones. 4 remakes of older songs. Some more noteworthy than others. A few I had to remake several times during this year (especially the NGADM songs that were made under time pressure). But I think in the end they all turned out good in their own way.

The year started out great with pixel day. I released 4 songs. I didn't make the top 3, but I got frontpaged with 2 songs. Reached a lot of people, and got to listen to a lot of great chiptunes, pixel art, games and animations. My favorite event on NG and best pixel day so far.

Then I entered the NGADM, like I do every year. It's also one of my favorite events on NG. NGADM19 marked the 10th anniversary. and it was bigger than ever. I auditioned with one of the chiptunes I made earlier this year and almost didn't get in. Perhaps because there were so many contestants and there were so many great musicians too, some much better than I am. Still I can't help think my style often gets misunderstood. For instance judges are very divided about my production quality. Based on the critique I get I conclude many people simply don't get/like the bit crushed chiptune sounds and distorted tape samples I like to use because I hate a "clean" sound. I struggle a lot with what kind of songs to submit.

I made a lot of songs this year. Some got noticed. Others completely flew under the radar. Here a re a few I'd like to highlight:

This song I made for pixel day 2019. It received a lot of appreciation and even got frontpaged. When I used it as my audition for NGADM, the reception was exceptionally mixed, ranging from a 6.3/10 to 9.5/10. For production it got scores ranging from a 4/10 to 10/10.

This was super hard to write. It was intended as my entry for NGADM18, but it took me almost a year to finish this song. I'm happy with how it turned out, but upon release it completely fell flat.

This was my entry for the first round of NGADM19. It got a lot of listens and people said they liked it. The judge's scores were mixed however. Not as mixed as for my audition, but it scored lower on average. Lower than I expected. Some people saw the potential and perhaps that was all there was. Since then I made 2 remakes. This is the version I made 4 days ago, with re-recorded vocals and additional instruments to make it more bombastic near the end. Now it's finally finished and how it should have been in the first place.

My entry for the second round of the NGADM19. This is what happens when I desperately try to please the judges. The reviews were not as mixed this time. The average score was a bit higher than before, but nobody actually liked the song. I feel it's a little bland. Not bad but nothing stands out. I've improved on this song a bit since it was first released and made it more interesting.

This is my final song for 2019. A remake of a song I made for the NGADM13. I still like the chords and rhythm of that old song. Better than most of what I come up with nowadays. The sound could've been better and people complained a lot about the vocals. Finally got around to remake this. Used better samples and effects and re-recorded the vocals. With a lot of pitch correction I managed to make it not too unpleasant for the ears. Somehow this also got snowed under. Probably because of all of the great songs by the NGADM19 finalists that came out around the same time. Still worth a listen imo.

Finally a bonus song I like to shed light on:

This song I released for the NGADM18 first round. It's a music box song. I made a re-make of this song back in 2018, and 2 more in 2019 to replace the original file. It sounds more than 10 times better now, with all of the sounds of the music box mechanisms in place. Music box songs are not very popular, but if you like them you should check this out.

So that's my year. My only regret is I didn't make any artwork this year, and I didn't get to collaborate on any games or animations. I'm still working on a SHMUP though. I hope that will turn out great. I'll keep you posted.

I plan to make some more tracks for pixel day 2020. Plan to enter NGADM20 and get as far as I can (any suggestions what song to use for my audition?). Maybe I'll make some other new songs, but I have a list of remakes of old songs I have to finish first. I hope to get to collaborate on games and animations more next year.

Have a great 2020!



Posted by SourJovis - July 13th, 2019

It's almost time for the NGADM 2019. Like every year I'm joining and I'm super exited about it. Now let's just hope I'll make it through the audition stage, because there are a lot of entries this year. More than ever. But that makes it all that much better.

Time to reflect a little on the past years. So far I've always (sort of) made it through the audition phase. I never made it to any nice ranking though. Only once made it to round 3, by pure luck. Still some of the best songs I've made I've started for the NGADM. 2 weeks to work on a song is a little short for me, so I've always improved on it afterwards. The feedback I've got during the NGADM always helped tremendously.

Last year I had a bit of writers block. Hadn't made a new song in a year, so my start was very rusty. Only today did I finish the song I intended to submit for NGADM 2018. It turned out pretty well I think so have a listen to Le Cygne Tueur.

And if you're interested this is the music box version of the same song that I ended up submitting instead.

I would never have won anyway because I had some serious competition. Both Sequenced and I were eliminated by etherealwinds who would end up winning NGADM 2018.

Good luck to everyone entering NGADM 2019. I know this will become a splendid year once again!

Just a little update. I didn't make it in the top 96, so I wasn't allowed in the competition. I was positioned 110th, so I wasn't even in the fill-in pool of 10 (97 to 106). In the end that many people dropped out (forfeited or didn't fill in the entry form in time), I was allowed in the first round after all. This is the song I submitted Sky Gardening. If I make it to the second round, you'll hear a new completely different song by me. If not, I'll spend the time reserved for my second entry on a Robot Day track. Either way, by next track will be Robot themed and I'll upload it on Robot Day the 26th of August.



Posted by SourJovis - January 25th, 2019

Hello everyone,

My name is SourJovis (Bart van Zon in real life) and I make music for films, animations, games, media channels, commercials or just music for the sake of music, like pop songs.

Here are some examples of projects I've made music for:



Here's a list of demo songs:


You can use any of the songs I've uploaded here for non-profit games, videos and such, as long as you credit me. If you like to use it for media you intend to make profit of, please contact me. If you like me to make music specifically for your projects, please let me know.
