I'd love to! My voices are limited though: I have the Received Pronunciation (BBC English) accent normally, but I can also handle a stereotypical Indian accent (think the SuperCodPlayer1995 parodies) and a stereotypical Malaysian Chinese accent (since I was brought up there).
I'm not sure which one would suit me just yet, but I'm staying away from the computer unless I get to say 'Holy crap!' o.O
Ooo, sounds interesting. What's the game's rating gonna be? : )
SourJovis (Updated )
You mean the age rating? I'm not too familiar with the rating system in games, but there's no blood, no nudity, no sex, no sex jokes, no scares, no drug use, no drug references, no racism, barely any swearing (I counted the word shit twice but that's it). The violence is restricted to standard video game action. All of the villains are robots. Pretty boring now I think about it. But almost everyone should be able to play it, so that's a good thing. Are you interested to voice a character?